Sermon Archive
Restoration: The Promise of Judgment & Salvation
Sermon from Genesis 6
Aftermath – A Tale of Two Families
Sermon from Genesis 4:17-5:32
Aftermath – Enmity & Death
Sermon from Genesis 4:1-16
Rebellion, Ruin, & The Promise of Restoration
Sermon from Genesis 3
Covenant – God’s Good Provision for His Kingdom
Sermon from Genesis 2:4-25
Creation – God’s Already but Not Yet Kingdom
Sermon from Genesis 1-2:3
Partners in Grace: Seeing the Risen King
Sermon from John 20:1-18 Guest Speaker: Jacob Moore (UBC)
Elect Exiles: Standing Firm Together as the Church
Sermon from 1 Peter 5:12-14
Elect Exiles: Suffering & Spiritual Warfare
Sermon from 1 Peter 5:6-11
Elect Exiles: Walking Together in Humility
Sermon from 1 Peter 5:1-5
Elect Exiles: Suffering for Christ
Sermon from 1 Peter 4:12-19
Elect Exiles: Living Together in Light of the End
Sermon from 1 Peter 4:7-11